Thursday 12 April 2012

So I did say I was going to post some work on my blog.....and I am today,yeehaa!
I have actually been doing some proper sculpting instead of my normal mindless
nine to five......and It is looking ok....

So this is my base head in Maya with a series of other Morph heads so I can blend between my characters so I only have to make one amazing set of morphs! The idea is to get my character running around in UDK , and also have a high res one in Maya for rendering purposes.I have done the initial base sculpt in Mudbox and have applied that data to my mesh in this image below is the initial sculpt for UDK,I havent gone over the top with the sculpt at the moment as It will loose a lot with the compression.

Wednesday 11 April 2012

At last some actual work done,

It has only took me about three hours to get back into this page....and I still have no idea of what the hell I am doing.....someone said it would be a good idea,not bleeding likely.Without doubt a right waste of time......needless to say I have managed to have a massive argument with my she couldn`t remember I had a gmail account....doh! well actually I guess it is all my fault then...anyhoo, it is to late to upload anything now so I will do it tomorrow,honest guvernor.